Thanks a lot for bringing us the sacred flame. I did benefit a lot from these useful holograms and prayers. When the first time I used the Acturian and cosming blue lightning card for the clearing. I saw an iron ant coming out from my Rt lower abdominal (where I always has pain during my moon cycle). And on the 1 st lesson, when we do the clearing, I saw a sticky jelly animal slip out from my Lt hand. Now I keep going to do the clearing of Reptilian brain which makes me feel more energetic and lighter.
I am a physiotherapist working in a NGO for special needed kids (age 2-6yrs). In the past, I feel very exhausted after my work which I have to do rehab works for at least 7 clients/day. Now I found the way to protect myself and recharge my energy by using those holograms. And you make me understood and experienced that some pain/discomfort are not coming from the structure problems inside the body as our usually medicine explained and we can clear them in an easier way.
Annie – Hong Kong