Cosmic Perfection Flame


Small: 2.5 inches by 3.5 inches | $10.00
Medium: 4 inches by 5 inches | $15.00
Large: 8.5 inches by 11 inches | $30.00


The Cosmic Perfection Flame is part of the Flame of Divine Love. All of the Sacred Flames come from the Love of the I AM Presence. All creation obeys the Law of Love, for it is to its greatest benefit to do so.

All Perfection rest upon Divine Love. Perfection is the natural state of all Creation that comes from Divine Love.

For the I AM Presence, the Highest Divine Source of Love, could never create anything that was not in Divine Perfection. Perfection used to be the natural state of all Nature and mankind here on this planet, until man began to focus too much on the outer senses and allowed imperfection to come in.

Focusing on Divine Perfection and Divine Love opens many doors for us.

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Large ($30), Medium ($15), Small ($10)